크리니티 cysteine




크리니티 시스테인(Krinity cysteine) 100ml

고기능의 시스테인 함유로 모발손상 방지가 뛰어나고 균일하고 윤기와  탄력있는 웨이브를 형성해주는 웨이브펌 제입니다.

건강모 : 자연 방치 30분 / 손상모 : 자연방치 20분 중화(2제)10~15분


It’s high quality is excellent for protection against hair damage.
It allows you to enjoy the radiant and elastic waves as well as consistent and voluminous waves.

Directions :
Leave item no.1 for 30 minutes for normal healthy hair.
Leave item no.1 for 20 minutes for damage hair.
Then apply neutralizer (item no.2) and leave for 10~15 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with water.


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